a little sumthin-sumthin about me

i wrote this on Facebook a couple of years ago when those “top 25 things (i want you to know) about me (because i’m that egotistical)” notes came about. while i was looking over it today i realized a lot of it is still applicable and can be used as a little bit of insight… well, about me.

the new comments are written in red.

1) I have started doing one of these stupid notes five times. I always ended up closing the window because I didn’t want to be “that girl.”

2) Yes, I have seen Office Space. You are not that original by making fun of my last name. (my last name is Lundberg, so i get a lot of “mmmm, didja get that memo”s or “hey peter, what’s happening?”s.)

3) I love making lists. I think I got the idea off of High Fidelity, and I’m obsessive compulsive enough that it stuck. I probably have a top 5 of most things I care about.

4) Ridiculous songs are my kryptonite. So is bad karaoke. Some examples of these songs are “Hurt So Good,” “Sign, Sealed, Delivered,” and “Hungry Eyes.”

5) I love to travel. I know it’s not that interesting of a fact– I’m just putting it out there.

6) When I was a child I used to think my parents were bears dressed in people suits and they took the suits off after I went to bed. I tried to sneak downstairs multiple times to catch them in their natural “bear” state. (um, no… i’m not embarrassed about this at all. Ā …not…at…all…)

7) The next car I get will be a Mini Cooper. A yellow one. With black racing stripes.Ā (boomshackalacka. wasn’t lying.)

8 ) I want to be a mutant so bad that it hurts. I would say when I’m in a car and just thinking, 70% of the thoughts are about my superhuman abilities. The other 30% is divided among current events, to dos, and food.

9) Rachel Tell forced me to eat cherry tomatoes as a child when we were playing Boxcar Children because “Boxcar children eat what they can get!” I feel this was a very traumatic event that tainted my taste buds and feelings towards a certain vegetable. I couldn’t eat tomatoes until last summer.

10) I can play piano, guitar, bass, and percussion instruments. I can play none of them well.

11) My family is the most important thing in the world to me. I feel very blessed by them, in the truest sense of the word.

12) I love it when my guy friends have a girlfriend/wife because it alleviates any pressure or misconceptions about the relationship we have. I also get upset when people question my friendship with guys– if I wanted it be more, the intention would’ve been known. Given that, I fully believe Tim Maybee and I will be married if we are ever single at the same time. šŸ˜‰ (*sigh* Tim Maybee is now married [and not to me], so that one is nullified. i guess i will keep Evan around.)

13) I want a dog. I’d like to teach it to play dead and make an “arooo” sound when he falls over.

14) Ellen Page and I would be friends in real life, I am almost positive about this. Sarah Silverman could hang out with us too. Taylor Swift is not invited. (Scarlett Johansen is not invited either.)

15) Sometimes I forget I am Asian. Is that weird?

16) I honestly love my job. I feel that is weird to say, especially being 22 years old and at my first job out in the real world. (i’m 25.5 now, if that gives you any indication of how long ago this was written.)

17) If you use the wrong their/they’re/there or your/you’re I will automatically lose respect for you. It’s nothing personal… but get some brains.

18) I think that sometimes I come across as arrogant, which is never my intention. Most of the time I am being sarcastic. The other part of the time I am being deadpan. The other part, I’m just stating facts… I am, in fact, awesome.

19) I like to quote movies, music, etc. If people can pick it out of a conversation, it is obvious they have good taste.

20) Being a Christian is more than going to church. I am a very spiritual person, but I don’t see the necessity of flaunting it in a pompous fashion or berating someone for not believing the same thing as me. It’s love, not judgment, that’s going to change the world.

21) I love to read and usually end up finishing a book in a day or two. I should probably slow down so I can enjoy the process, but it’s too difficult for me.

22) Games like hide-and-seek make me nervous. I feel if I was in a horror movie and a killer was chasing me I would jump out from wherever I was hiding because I couldn’t handle the suspense.

23) Meeting new people is a rush to me. I love making new friends. Having said that, there are a handful of people I would do anything for. I love and respect them, and they have shaped who I have become. You know who you are.

24) I’m not really “bad” at anything, but I’m not good at much either. I am pleasantly mediocre at most everything I do.

25) I ran out of interesting things about me. If you feel I should add something, please put it in the comment below. (i’ll add one now, for the sake of argument. even though i highly enjoy “city living,” i am a pure country hick at heart. i love country music, riding four wheelers through the woods, and drinking crappy busch light beer i can get at the hometown bar for 1.50 a can. most of my friends hunt and have deer heads mounted on their walls. we had the largest graduating class while i was in high school, with a grand total of 53 kids.)

8 responses to “a little sumthin-sumthin about me

  1. International Travel Chick

    OMG, this is awesome! I can’t stop laughing!

  2. Fun list and congrats on your #7. The yellow has a great look.

  3. Andrea Thomson Viner @ Iowa Dog Blog

    Thanks for stopping by Iowa Dog Blog, Amanda! I’m not sure which post you wrote about learning to say, “Can I pet your dog?” in multiple languages, but I LOVE that idea!

    I also think this list is hilarious. #13–go for it! And please upload video when you achieve it. #21–Me too! I don’t necessarily read a book every day, but I do often devour books in a day or two. It’s not actually a good habit because I need to learn to read a little bit every day.

    Where in Iowa did you grow up?

  4. it was actually the post right before this one about things i discovered while in italy where i mentioned i’d like to learn that phrase– it would be very useful and people wouldn’t be so alarmed when i go up to them out of the blue because of their cute canines! šŸ™‚

    i grew up in a small rodeo town (dayton) but i live/work in des moines now.

  5. I wish I could be you Amanda!

    I also make sure you NEVER forget to wear your seatbelt. Because I care. šŸ™‚

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